المستودع الرقمي لـقسم هندسة الطيران

عرض بنوع المنشور

عزالدين أحمد أحمد (2009)
كلية الهندسة - جامغة طرابلس, .
Ramadan A. Al-madani , ٍSaleh R. Abdussalam Gashoot (4-2007)
International conference on aeronautical science and air transportation, .
saleh R. Abdussalam Gashoot, Gamal M. Ashawesh , M. Kaheal (2-2005)
National Symposium: Aerospace Technology of the XXI Century (Aerotech-2005, , pp. 49-54.
Saleh R. Abdussalam Gashoot, J. M. Ashawesh, Ali M. Elmabrouk (4-2004)
Fort international engineering conference, .
Saleh R. Abdussalam Gashoot, Ahmad A. Al-Makhloufi (10-2003)
Third forum on engineering education, Building partnership with government, industry and society, .
Saleh R. Abdussalam Gashoot , Aisa, S. Jadi (9-2003)
1st North African region seminar on engineering and technology education, .
Saleh R. Abdussalam Gashoot, A.K.Misra (7-2003)
Tenth international congress on sound and vibration, .
Saleh R. Abdussalam Gashoot, M. L. Ayari (6-1998)
European conference on composite materials (ECCM-8), .