Department of Sociology

Word Of the Head Department of Sociology

It is a matter of pleasure and honour  to belong to the Department of Sociology as one of the scientific departments of the faculty of Arts. I present to you the Department of Sociology, from beginning of  establishing  the faculty, we are working hard to accomplish our academic tasks in accordance with well-established scientific ethical standards and traditions.  to  enable our students to study in acquiring knowledge and skills,  to understand and comprehending the social reality. In order to achieve our  objectives, the department of sociology worked and is still working to carry out its tasks: such as  teaching,  carrying out research, and consultation  from  trained specialists who are aware of their society and the wider world around them. We also emphasize the interdisciplinary , integration and overlap in the disciplines of the humanities. With the aim of serving the community... On this occasion, we wish the faculty members of the Department of Sociology and its students all success and excellence.


Aspiring for the Sociology program to be a innovator and distinguished in the fields of social scientific research and community counseling, at national and international levels


Contribute to the service of societal issues, based on the quality of education and scientific research. Build  specialists with high knowledge and skills in social research. By applying teaching and learning strategies and modern technology, in line with national quality standards.  Focusing  on practical training and empirical research in response to the needs of development and the labor market.


 1.To provide  students with social concepts and theories that contribute to the interpretation and understanding of societal reality.

2. To build students' capabilities to monitor and study social phenomena and analyze it, to demonstrate the positive aspects, and to address the negative aspects.

3. To provide students with basic skills in conducting theoretical and empirical social research, using scientific research techniques to analyze and explain social phenomena.

4. To enable  students to use the results of reports, research and studies to provide explanations for social problems that hinder the progress and development of society.

5. To build the basic capabilities that qualify the graduate to complete postgraduate studies.

6. To propos and present national initiatives through critical and creative thinking to anticipate emerging problems that hinder social development programs.


The quality: the educational process should be characterized by quality standards and guarantees.

Excellence:  strives for excellence in social research.

Trust  Work to enhance confidence between faculty members and students, and to gain the confidence of employers in most of its outputs.

Teamwork: work to enhance the team spirit in most of its activities and programs.

Mutual appreciation and respect: care and commitment to mutual respect and appreciation between the parties to the educational process in work.

 Partnership and cooperation: seeking to establish constructive partnerships with graduate employers, research centers and sociology programs in local and regional universities.

Social responsibility: commitment to contribute to the social responsibility


Providing standardized scientific lectures according to the academic work plan, presented by professors according to scientific specialization.

Carrying out the processes of acceptance, evaluation, measurement and announcing the results according to the scheduled agenda.  

Carrying out scientific studies and research, studying the social reality, and presenting results and recommendations to address social problems.

Carrying out and participating in scientific seminars and conferences Serving the local community and identifying its needs.

Organizational Structure for Department of Sociology

Facts about Department of Sociology

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



