تنزيل السيرة الذاتية

أ.د. عبدالرحمن عكاشة

  • المؤهل العلمي: دكتوراه
  • الدرجة العلمية: أستاذ
  • قسم الصيدلانيات
  • كلية الصيدلة

معلومات الاتصال


الكل منذ 2019


عبدالرحمن عكاشة هو احد اعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الصيدلانيات بكلية الصيدلة. يعمل السيد عبدالرحمن عكاشة بجامعة طرابلس كـأستاذ منذ 2000-05-01 وله العديد من المنشورات العلمية في مجال تخصصه

المسيرة المهنية

  1. مساعد محاضر 1/5/2000
  2. محاضر 15/3/2010
  3. استاد مساعد 15/3/2013
  4. استاد مشارك 15/3/2017
  5. أستاد 15/3/2021

الاهتمامات البحثية

(1) Akasha AA, Sotiriadou I, Doss MX, Halbach M, Winkler J, Baunach JJ, Katsen-Globa A, Zimmermann H, Choo Y, Hescheler J, Sachinidis A. Entrapment of MHC Cardiomyocytes in Cultispher-S Microcarriers : Preparation and Characterization. Cell.Physiol.Biochem.2008;22(5-6):668-672

(2) Akasha, A.A and Elouzi, A.A. Attachment of Embryonic Stem Cells-derived Cardiomyocytes in CultiSpher-S Microcarriers by using Spinner Flask. JJB, 2012;5, (1): 31 – 36.

(3) Elouzi, A.A., Akasha, A.A, Elgerbi, M.A, El-Baseir M, and El Gammudi, A.B. removal of heavy metals  by bio-Surfactants (Rhamnolipid). J ournal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2012; 4(9): 4337-4341.

(4) Abdulrhman A. Akasha. Plyanhydride microspheres for controlled drug delivery to the lung. Pharmatutor-ART. 2012; 28:1382.

 (5) Abdulrhman. A. Akasha, Malak Ali Elwahedi, Areej Mohmoud Eldeeb. Cyclodextrins and their Pharmaceutical Applications. Pharmatutor-ART, 2014; 2(7): 40-46.

(6) Abdulrhman. A. Akasha,  Maha Mahmoud Nashwan ,  Raihan Jamal Ashour, Nehal Abdulrhman Hegazi. Physicochemical  And Microbiological Study Of Different Brands Of Ceftriaxone Sodium Available In Libyan Market. JCSEE, 2014;2(2):2320-4028.

(7) Somaia El-saedi, Jamal S Mezogi, Abdulrhman A. Akasha. Antimicrobial and Phytochemical studies of Verticillium teneru and Acremonium. Pharmatutor-Magazine; 2014; 2(12) : 131-144.

(8) Abdulrhman. A. Akasha Mokthar. El-baser, Rawan.m. Bondoq  and  Sakina. M. Saud. Comparative Physical Studies Of Atenolol Brands Available In Libyan Drug Market, Inn. Int. J.Sci,2016;3:1-3.

(9) Abdulrhman. A. Akasha, Somaia . A .Elsaedi. Pharmaceutical Studies Of Atenolol Brands: Interchangeability Between Atenolol (100 Mg) Tablets Brands Marketed In Libya. Inn. Int. J.Sci,2016;3,(3):1-3.

(10) Hanan. M. El Bsir,  Mokhtar. M. El-Baseir, Abdulrhman  .A . Akasha,  Somaia. A . Elsaedi  and Abdrheam Eluzy. Generic Versus Branded Medicines Available on the Local Market, Pharmatutor-Magazine; 2018; 6(10) : 5-12.

(11) Abdulrhman. A. Akasha. Sustained Release of Amoxicilline Trihydrate for Oral Drug Delivery System, AlQalam Journal of Medical and Biological Research,2017;1(1):25-30.

(12) Abdulrhman. A. Akasha, Eman . M . Almukhtar, Asma . S . Abouryana1 , Esraa . A . Emslikh. Formulation And In-Vitro Evaluation Of Metformin HydrochlorideLoaded Microspheres For Oral Controlled Release, Inn. Inter. J. of Sci, 2018; 5 (6) 12-17.

 (13) Abdulrhman. A. Akasha, Eman .A. Ahdeya1 And Zainab .A. Bsebsu.. Comparative Study Between Five Brands Of Metformin Hydrochloride Available In Libyan Drug Market, Mintage Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Sciences, 2019; 8 (3) 37-41.       

(14) Abdulrhman. A. Akasha. A Comparative Study For Evaluation Of Five Formulations Of Amlodipine 10 Mg Tablets Marketed In Libya, Inn. Inter. J. of Sci, 2020; 7 (1) 1-6.

النشاطات الخارجية

1) Member of Inspection Team for CIPLA Company, Goa , India.2011-2012             

2) Member of Dean Organizing Committee, Faculty of pharmacy,     University of Tripoli, Tripoli-Libya.3) 

 Registrar of Faculty of pharmacy, University of    Tripoli, Tripoli-Libya.   

4)Head of  electronic assessment and correction unit,  Faculty of  Pharmacy,  University of Tripoli, Tripoli-Libya.5)

Head of Scientific committee , Faculty of pharmacy, University of                                 Tripoli, Tripoli-Libya.

  6)  Head Dept. Study and Examination , Faculty of Nursing,

                                University of Tripoli, Tripoli-Libya.

7) up to date       Member of teaching staff,  Department of Pharmacy, University

                               of  Tripoli-Alahlia, Tripoli-Libya.

8)17-22, Jan 2017      Temporarily Dean, Faculty of Nursing, University of Tripoli,


9)Jan 2017                 Member of Scientific committee , Faculty of pharmacy, University

                               of  Tripoli, Tripoli-Libya.

10) Member of Inspection Team for Microlab Company, Goa , India

11) Member of Inspection Team for Sanofi Company, France