Department of Mathematics

Word Of the Head Department of Mathematics

Praise be to Allah who taught with the pen and gave man the mind and all the other blessings

The last era in this era was characterized by a change in the curricula of mathematics and became a feature of the era of scientific and technological progress that is driven and enriched by the tremendous development in mathematics, mathematics is really the mother of science and is the measure of progress and civilization for nations because it is the most accurate science and adjust because of its certain character in thinking and topical in governance and study.

It is no secret to anyone the importance of mathematics for all other scientific disciplines, whether theoretical or applied, and it is enough here to note that the Department of Mathematics teaches five courses in the Faculty of Engineering, four courses in the Faculty of Agriculture and three courses in the Faculty of Information Technology in addition to all departments of the Faculty of Science, this is not being a stand-alone specialization, hence the importance of the Department of Mathematics for all the university and for the whole community.

Hence, we must also point out that the department aims to prepare cadres specialized in mathematics in order to serve the country in the fields of research and teaching, and despite the few possibilities, the department was able during the period from the day of its establishment to this day to graduate many batches, including faculty members who are currently teaching in the department and in other universities throughout this country and many others who are in intermediate education and several other facilities and service centers.In the end, we would like to point out that all the activities of the department are due to the cooperation of the faculty members of the department, we ask God Almighty to enable us to reach better performance so that the mission for which the department was established is achieved.


  The Department of Mathematics should achieve a distinguished scientific position in light of the consolidation, development and enhancement of mathematical concepts and skills.


  Providing advanced study plans at the university and higher levels that include applied fields in which the student is allowed to use the latest technologies to develop students' mathematical skills.


 The Department of Mathematics seeks to achieve the following objectives:1- Preparing scientifically qualified scientific cadres in the field of mathematics.2- Spreading the culture of organized scientific research in solving scientific problems and adopting the principle of mathematical thinking and disseminating it widely.3- Upgrading the level of mathematics graduates and preparing them well to meet the requirements of the labor market.4- Refining and developing students' skills in the field of mathematics.

Organizational Structure for Department of Mathematics

Facts about Department of Mathematics

We are proud of what we offer to the world and the community




Academic Staff



