Department of Anatomy, Histology & Embryology

Word Of the Head Department of Anatomy, Histology & Embryology

Praise be to Allah, and prayers and peace be upon our prophet Mohammad and his family and all his companions, On my own behalf and on behalf of my fellow faculty members and department staff, I welcome you to Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology - Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - University of Tripoli. This department includes a number of highly qualified members who specialized in Anatomy, Histology and Embryology. Anatomy which includes general and comparative anatomy is concerned with studying the shape, structure, and relationship of all organs of various systems in the animal’s body such as locomotor and digestive systems. It also identifies the similarities and differences in these organs among different animals. Histology studies the structure of different types of cells and tissues generally and also specifically in each system of different animals. Embryology is concerned with teaching the stages of embryonic development, starting from the fertilization until the end of organs and systems formation in the fetus. Studying the sciences of this department which is considered one of the most important basic building blocks of clinical sciences, aims to enable the student to recognize the natural structure and shape of the organs of the animal body which will then enable him to recognize what is sick and unhealthy. Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology is contributing by a number of valuable scientific researches in accordance with the department strategies and scientific requirements. Finally, I invite you to contact us to answer any question or inquiry, asking Allah almighty to grant us and you success.


Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology seeks to promote the department to be a scientific and research base for the rest of the veterinary medical sciences.


Preparing students with basic knowledge and concepts in the field of sciences of this department in order to become qualified and able to keep pace with everything new in the field of specialization and build on it as a scientific base to provide the needs of other departments.


a. Anatomy:

It aims to study the shape and general structure of the various animal body systems, which consist of the locomotor system (bones, muscles, and joints) as well as the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems, and explain their connection to the three body cavities (abdominal, thoracic, and pelvic) and also the general anatomical study of each of the body’s control systems, which consists of The nervous system, the circulatory system, and the lymphatic system. This science also deals with the study of sensory organs such as the eye and ear. It also includes all aspects of anatomical differences between different animals.

B. Histology:

The primary goal of teaching histology in the field of veterinary medicine is to explain and clarify the histological structure of cells, as well as clarifying the origin of each type of cell, its methods of reproduction, its functional behavior, and the interconnected relationships between each other, which gives the ability to understand the abnormal changes that may occur in the body of a living organism in various diseases.

C. Embryology:

This course aims to teach the different stages of embryonic development, beginning with fertilization and ending with the formation of the fetus and the formation of the various organs and body systems before birth.

Organizational Structure for Department of Anatomy, Histology & Embryology

Facts about Department of Anatomy, Histology & Embryology

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