ماجستير في هندسة منصات عائمة

كلية الهندسة - قسم الهندسة البحرية والمنصات العائمة


وصف البرنامج

يعتمد برنامج الدراسات العليا ( الماجستير) الذي تم إنشاءه  في القسم، علي خبرة أعضاء هيئة التدريس و اتباع  الطرق و المسارات  المعروفة  لدراسة الماجستير. هذا البرنامج يعتمد علي المواضيع البحثية المدعومة حديثا و الأكثر إقبالا لدى المجتمع. و بإستخدام هذه  الاستراتيجية سيلعب القسم دورا رئيسيا الذي يعكس و  يقر بجهود  و مشاركة  الكلية.

أهداف البرنامج

هدف برنامج الدراسات العليا هذا إلى تشجيع اكتساب المهارات العلمية العامة المتعلقة بالهندسة البحرية والتحليل النقدي والتفسير ومناقشة المعلومات والبيانات الواقعية. و  بنهاية هذا البرنامج ، سيكون الطلاب قادرين على تقييم الحلول العملية للمشاكل الأساسية التي من المحتمل أن يواجهها معظم المهندسين البحريين في ممارساتهم اليومية.

1. لرفع المستوى العلمي للمهندس ، وربط معرفتهم بأحدث التقنيات في مجالات الهندسة البحرية. 

2. تخريج مهندسين بحريين مؤهلين علمياً ومهنياً لتصميم وصيانة وتشغيل السفن الحكومية والتجارية في أعالي البحار وفي أحواض بناء السفن والأحواض الجافة.

  3. توفير فرص للدراسات العليا لخريجي القسم وخريجي التخصصات الأخرى المتعلقة بالهندسة البحرية وفق أنظمة الجامعة.

مخرجات البرنامج

o تشجيع اكتساب المهارات العلمية العامة المتعلقة بالهندسة البحرية والتحليل النقدي وتفسير ومناقشة المعلومات والبيانات الواقعية.  بحلول نهاية هذا البرنامج ، سيكون الطلاب قادرين على تقييم الحلول العملية للمشاكل الأساسية التي من المحتمل أن يواجهها معظم المهندسين في الخارج في ممارستهم. عند الانتهاء من برنامج الماجستير هذا ، سيتمكن طلاب الدراسات العليا أيضًا من متابعة دراساتهم حتى مستوى الدكتوراه.  بشكل عام ، سيساعد برنامج درجة الماجستير الخريجين على أداء الأنشطة التالية: • تمكين الطلاب من التركيز على جانب معين من مجال موضوع أوسع لديهم فيه المعرفة أو الخبرة السابقة من خلال الدراسة أو العمل السابق. • تمكين الطلاب من التركيز على موضوع معين أو مجال دراسي بعمق أكبر مما واجهوه أثناء الدراسة أو الخبرة السابقة.  قد يشمل ذلك تمكين الطلاب من تطوير معرفة تخصص جديد أو مجال دراسي بالاشتراك مع أ مجال الموضوع ذي الصلة الذي لديهم معرفة أو خبرة سابقة فيه. • تمكين الطلاب من تعلم كيفية إجراء البحوث المرتبطة غالبًا بتخصص أو تخصص معين مجال الدراسة.  • تمكين الطلاب من إجراء مشروع بحثي حول موضوع ضمن مجال الاهتمام الذي يشكل غالبية التقييم العام. • تمكين الطلاب من التخصص أو أن يصبحوا أكثر تخصصًا في مجال العمل أو الممارسة المتعلقة بمهنة معينة.

المؤهل العلمي الذي يتحصل عليه الطالب

ماجستير هندسة بحرية والمنصات العائمة.

متطلبات الالتحاق بالبرنامج

طالب يحمل درجة (بكالوريوس ) في الهندسة من إحدي الجامعات اللبيبة الحكومية.

الخطة الدراسية

يؤهل برنامج ماجستير في هندسة منصات عائمة الطالب للحصول على درجة ماجستير في هندسة منصات عائمة من خلال العديد من المقررات الدراسية التى وضعت بعناية لتغطي الجوانب المختلفة في هذا التخصص.

يمتد البرنامج على مدى 6 فصول دراسية يدرس خلالها الطالب 31 وحدة دراسية منها 7 وحدة عامة، و 12 وحدة الزامية. كما يدرس عدد 12 وحدة إختيارية من قائمة المقررات الاختيارية المقترحة. بالإضافة الى مشروع تخرج في مجال تخصصه

الخطة الدراسية للبرنامج الدارسي موضحة على الفصول الدراسية التالية:

المقررات الاختيارية

الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
MAR644 Mooring Riser and Drilling Systems 03 إجباري +

Mooring configurations: single-leg mooring, spread mooring, turrent mooring; mooring components: wire ropes, synthetic fiber ropes, chains, clump weights, drag and suction anchors, piles; winches and windlass; single component and multi-component catenary equations; soil- mooring interaction; mooring failure modes; static, quasi-static, and dynamic mooring analyses; mooring design criteria and considerations. Drilling risers, production risers: flexible, steel catenary; flexible riser configurations: steep/lazy S and wave, free hanging; flexible riser components: bend stiffeners/ bell mouths, unbounded/bonded flexible risers, bend restrictors; rigid riser components: tieback connectors, stress joints, riser joints and connectors, buoyancy modules, tensioners; riser casing; soil-riser interaction; riser failure modes; structural riser analysis; static and dynamic riser analyses; interference analysis; riser design criteria and considerations. Dynamic performances of riser/mooring lines using simulation software

MAR698 Graduate Seminar 03 إختياري +

This course help students to develop their research proposals, establishing and expanding their research skills and implementing their work through scholarly writing, which can be achieved through the seminar. The seminar course must to be taken in the second semester of the registration and managed by an instructor who is responsible to prepare the final grade list of all the registered students. Students must prepare and present their chosen topics through a scientific term paper, which can be shared and discussed with other students and department staff to gain their feedback.

MAR697 Special Topics 03 إختياري +

The topics are not listed in department programs and may vary from year to year according to interests of students and instructors.M.S. students choose and study a topic under the guidance of the department coordinator. Typical contents include advanced fields of study according to recent scientific and technological developments in the related areas. Also, it could be studied from other related departments after getting the permission. 

MAR652 Project Management and Operation Research 03 إختياري +

Introduction Philosophy and Concepts, What Is Project Management? Project management: the need. Response to modern society .Systems Approach and Systems Engineering. Systems approach to management project goal: time, cost, and requirements project management: the person, the team, the methodology. Systems Development Cycle and Project Conception. Project and System Definition .Planning Fundamentals .Project Time Planning and Networks. Advanced Project Network Analyses and Scheduling. Cost Estimating and Budgeting .Project Quality Management Managing Risks in Projects. Project Execution and Control. Project Evaluation, Communication, Implementation, and Close out Systems and Procedures for Planning and Control

MAR651 Maritime Management and Law 03 إختياري +

Introduction to Safety: The role of the engineer will be outlined with regard to the impact on the environment. The importance of legislation in improving safety, zones of the seas, the high seas, flag state jurisdiction and piracy. Shipping regulations: SOLAS compliance, MOU, MARPOL, the control of pollution, dumping. Flag state registration: public law regulation and private law functions.

MAR650 Advanced Offshore Production 03 إختياري +

The history of oil and gas production in offshore. Main offshore fields around the world. Offshore Geotechnical Engineering. Differences between onshore and offshore Geotechnical Engineering. Oil platforms. Types of platforms: Fixed platform, Semi-submersible platform, Tension-leg platform, Spar platform, Compliant towers. Offshore drilling, Well completion, Perforating & Stimulating, Pressure Vessel, Oil & Gas separation. Submarine pipeline, Route selection, Physical factors, Pipeline characteristics. Pipeline construction

MAR649 Advanced Offshore Drilling 03 إختياري +

Wave theories; wave, wind, and current force predictions; single and multi-degree of freedom systems; rigid-body equations of single and multi-body systems; vortex induced vibrations; dynamic analysis of semi-submersibles, TLPs, seakeeping design of floating systems. Petroleum geology. Types of rocks. Oil and gas traps. Well types. Offshore exploration methods. Offshore drilling platforms. Drilling equipment. Drilling derrick. Rotary system. Draw works. B.O.P. and well control equipment. Mud system. Mud classification. Mud testing. Mud pumps. Drilling and completion operations. Directional drilling. Drilling problems. Well design.

MAR647 Advanced Marine Structure 03 إختياري +

Introduction to Structural Analysis of marine structures; Basic of Fracture Mechanics & Its Application to marine structures; Assessment of defects, such as gouges, corrosion and dents in Pipelines; Fracture Propagation; Fatigue Effects; Yielding and buckling of Submarine Pipelines; Code guidance on defect assessment; Finite element method; Fundamental properties of soil; mechanical properties of soil, Ground water, test of soil, design parameters of soils, Offshore pipeline geotechnical aspects including: : Pipeline stability of seabed, scour, design of buried pipelines, trenching of pipelines, foundation options, geotechnical design of foundations and tie back anchors.

MAR646 Offshore HSE Management 03 إجباري +

Introduction to Safety, Health, and Environment Management, Environmental issues and Management, Accident Modeling, Risk assessment and Management, Safety measures in design and operation, also focusing on those related to the production of Oil & Gas resources.

MAR645 Offshore Engineering Fundamentals 03 إجباري +

Principles of oceanography and ocean bed geology, Sea floor spreading, Plate tectonic theory Overview of offshore engineering. Characteristics of offshore structures, Support and supply bases and vessels for offshore operations, Navigational aids maintenance and repair, Types of Offshore Structures and Vehicles, Categories of Loads. Environmental loads (waves-currents- winds). General design of a jacket platform. Oil and gas drilling technology, Production technology. Safety aspects of offshore installations, fixed structures: design criteria and loadings, preliminary design, wind, waves, tides, fatigue analysis, seismic and dynamic analysis, marine studies, and certification and inspection. Floating structures: moorings/riser systems, wave loads on floatingJ structures, dynamic response of floating structures, stability of vessels, safety of offshore structures.

GE604 Advanced Engineering Mathematics 03 متطلبات الجامعة +

Review of ordinary differential equations; linear differential equation of the first order;linear differential equations with constant coefficients; particular solutions by variations ofparameters. Power series solutions; method of Frobenius; Legendre's equation; Fourier-LegendreSeries; Bessel's equation; modified Bessel equation. Fourier methods; Fourier series; SturmLiouville theory; Fourier integral; Fourier transformation. Partial differential equations; heatconduction equation; separation of variables; waves and vibrations in strings; wave equation;D'Alembert's solution; longitudinal vibrations in an elastic rod; two dimensional stress systems;solution of Navier's equations by the application of Fourier transforms; Laplace equation.

MAR642 Subsea Technology 03 إجباري +

Subsea components such as X’trees, wellhead and manifold and template, field equipment, pipelines and flowlines, umbilicals and risers; subsea control and communication and new technology on subsea. This course also provides advanced subsea pipeline engineering with a focus on structural and mechanical design of pipelines. Stress based and limits states design for strength and stability is examined. Other pipeline engineering design considerations are reviewed. Principles of geotechnical engineering and pipeline/soil interaction analysis techniques are examined and special topics are examined. Students will develop general skills on the use of common engineering software tools for report writing and communications. Students will develop more specialized skills on the use of engineering software tools for analysis and design.

MAR641 Offshore Oil &Gas Technologies 03 إجباري +

The aim of the course is to introduce the student to the processes and technologies for the production of offshore Oil & Gas resources. The student will gain knowledge on the off-shore upstream operations and on subsea, topside and floating production technologies.

MAR640 Advanced Offshore Design 03 إجباري +

Fundamental of structural response analysis; Basic features of dynamic loading and response. Physical properties of dynamic analysis. Environmental loads and application to design. Calculation of the dynamic response of typical structures. Structural finite element analysis. Flow induced oscillations. Effects of structural vibrations. Uses of models to predict dynamic loads and the response of structures. Load criteria for offshore structural design. Design principles, criteria and Regulations. Ultimate limit state design. Fatigue limit state design and fatigue resistant detail design. Accidental limit state design. Probabilistic design of offshore structures. Elastic plate theory and responses of grillages; plastic theory and its application to beams and grillages. Materials including composite for offshore applications. Fabrication for corrosion control.

MAR639 Hydrocarbon Process and Transportation Facilities 03 إجباري +

This module aims to acquire knowledge of how hydrocarbons are extracted from the earth; to understand how hydrocarbon properties are related to pressure and temperature and process equipment affects these properties; to understand single phase and multiphase fluid flow in pipes and to acquire knowledge of upstream processing operations. This module is a comprehensive introduction to Hydrocarbon Production and upstream processing. This includes sections on the extraction of hydrocarbons from the earth, their transport through pipelines and processing. Industrial practice and the theory underlying these operations will be covered.

MAR601 Research skills 01 إجباري +

The course is taught in the first semester in the first year of postgraduate studies. It prepares students for scientific research and development of thesis. The course provides content on Elements of the Research Proposals and Formulation of a research plan, Elements of Technical and Scientific reports, what is the Scientific Research, The Structure of Scientific Research, Methods of Scientific Research, Aims of Scientific Research, and Ethics of Scientific Research, Developing a hypothesis, a research problem and related questions, Being able to perform exploratory data analysis, Understand correct ways to refer to and cite from scientific literature.

MAE699 M. Sc. Thesis 06 إجباري +

The student has to carry out a research project in one of the programs. The research topic should tackle contemporary problems in the marine field and upon completion it must stand firm for publication.

GE609 Numerical Methods in Engineering 03 متطلبات الجامعة +

Interpolation; Linear interpolation, Lagrange and Aitkin’s interpolating polynomials, Difference calculus, Newton forward and backward difference formula, curve fittings, least square approximations, Fitting nonlinear curves, Cubic spline, Chebyshev polynomials, Approximation with rational function ordinary differential equations, Analytical and computer-aided solutions, Boundary conditions, Taylor series method.

GE606 Applied Statistics and Computer Application 03 متطلبات الجامعة +

Random variables; common discrete, continuous expectations and their applications; Sampling of the mean, hypothesis testing of the mean and variance, confidence intervals and Chi-Square procedures; Simple linear regression and correlation; precision and straight line fits; Matrix approach; multiple; Linear regression; polynomial and extra sum of squares in linear regression analysis; Transformation, weighted dummy variables and special topics in multiple regression analysis; Selecting the best regression model; Design of experiments; Single-factor and Multi- factor analysis of variance. Application of Statistical software packages such as: MINITAB, SPSS, etc....